Friday, March 22, 2019

How to import a large CSV in MySQL table

I have struggled for a while to import my large CSV (comma, separated, values) files in my apps.
The common method should be using:
(field1, field2, field3, ....);
Seem to be so nice and simple so far, until receiving errors encountered by MySQL versions or incompatibility with the server acceptance (disabled functions).
I am recommending the next method that really worked:
Insert to the database line-by-line of CSV with this PHP file run by Command Prompt:
include 'config.php';
ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
if (($handle = fopen("mycsvfile.csv", "r")) !== FALSE) {
    while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
   $c2=str_replace("'","\'", $data[2]);
       $sql = "INSERT my_table (field1, field2) 
   mysql_query($sql,$link) or die("Insertion Failed:" . mysql_error());

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Live traffic feed in real time

Alternatives to Feedjit

A tracking code is a small snippet of code that is usually implemented as JavaScript in the HTML source code of a website. 
These lines of code allow webmasters to analyze the flow of visitors to websites and the activities of users.
Real-time tracking is meant to show the latest visitor without refreshing the page.
The tracking code is mostly used as a website widget.
A web widget commonly referred to simply as a widget is a small program that you can easily put on your website or blog.For free and unlimited visitors logs we strongly recommend you to use :
You must register an account to get your personal tracking code to paste it in website widgets.
Then you can watch your live traffic flow including visitors IP address, source and visited pages:

Free IP geolocation API by

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of programming tools for accessing a Web-based software application. helps website developers to request information automatically from a known IP address for Web-apps. database is updated weekly with fresh geographic information.
The Geolocation is the process of determining the physical, real-world location of a person or device using digital information by an IP address.
The IP is the encoded address of an Internet device.
This API is completely free to use for an unlimited number of requests and domains.
Free is referring to no-cost and to freedom to use by anyone who needs geolocation for Internet visitors.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

How to View Hidden Passwords Behind Asterisks or Dots

The browsers hide your passwords behind asterisks or bullets to prevent anyone nearby from stealing it:
The most common method to reveal your user password is to:

Use the Inspect Element Window

  • Right-click on the password field and select Inspect element from the menu. A new window will open up with two lines of code selected.
  • Double-click on type=”password” and replace password with text. It should look like this now type=”text”.
  • Hit Enter and close the Inspect element window. 
The password will be revealed:

How to fix "This Copy of Windows Is Not Genuine"

Windows error message: 
This Copy of Windows Is Not Genuine is occurring when your computer screen suddenly turns black with program icons still visible. 
At the same time, an error message displays as this copy of Windows is not genuine:
Mostly common Method to solve this issue:

Use SLMGR -REARM command

  • Click on the start menu.
  • Type cmd in the search field.
  • Right-click on cmd file and click on Run as Administrator. It is must to run the command prompt with administrator privileges.
  • Type SLMGR -REARM (SLMGR is Windows software licensing management tool. REARM command will reset the licensing status of the machine) and press enter.
  • Now you will see a confirmation window, click on OK.
  • Restart your PC.

How to find my ip address info by

An IP,  short for Internet Protocol,  is "a digital media transport system that runs over standard IP networks".
IP also stands for :

Intellectual Property - most likely
Internet Provider
Information Protection.

You can find your IP and your IP details or a remote known IP information using service:

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

How to make your first website in 3 steps

In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a simple "Hello world!" website.

1. Register clicking on the banner below:

and purchase a suitable domain name and hosting for you.

domain name= your website name. A domain name is an address where Internet users can access your website.
hosting= provides the technologies and services needed for the website or webpage to be viewed on the Internet. Websites are hosted on special computers called servers.

2. Edit your index page:

The index page is the URL or local file that automatically loads when a web browser starts and when the browser's 'home' button is pressed. The term is also used to refer to the front page, web server directory index, or main web page of a website of a group, company, organization, or individual.
You should use one of the following names :
We recommend Notepad++ to edit web pages.
A sample of index.html page

3. Upload the index page on the server:

There are several ways to upload a site – we will provide you with the most common ones:

Happy coding!

How to shorten a long URL by

In this tutorial, you will learn how to shrink a long URL for Internet usage.
An URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the address of a resource on the Internet that indicates the location of a resource as well as the protocol used to access it.
Long URLs looks more unsightly on websites. This is especially true when it comes to commenting on blogs where you want to leave a link but the comment box can’t handle them properly. 
You can trim long URLs very simple using: for FREE:

Paste your long URL and click SHRINK!
All your trimmed URLs are recorded in a database for each computer:

More details here:

How to get someone's IP by

In this tutorial, you will learn how to find someone's IP address using
You can trace a remote IP address when you have an interlocutor who agrees to click your trace link generated by this app:

You can watch your interlocutors details in real time:

More details here: